Secret documents say Markov's killer was given a medal
As Bulgarian authorities close the file on the murder of the dissident journalist in London in 1978, newly-released papers have shed fresh light on one of the most infamous episodes of the Cold War
By Jonathan Owen
Sunday, 7 September 2008
The assassination of the journalist Georgi Markov in London in 1978 by a man wielding a poison-tipped umbrella was one of the most infamous episodes of the Cold War and brought relations between Britain and Bulgaria to breaking point. Thirty years on, with the Bulgarian authorities closing the case on the anniversary of the dissident's death this Thursday, secret official documents have uncovered the truth behind the killing.
Sofia Journal
A Book Peels Back Some Layers of a Cold War Mystery
Published: September 10, 2008
SOFIA, Bulgaria — It was one of the legends of the cold war: a Bulgarian dissident writer, Georgi Markov, dying in a London hospital of a mysterious fever after being injected with a poison pellet from a specially adapted umbrella as he walked to work across Waterloo Bridge.
Fresh intrigue surrounds a Cold War murder
By Matthew Brunwasser
Published: September 10, 2008
SOFIA: It was one of the legends of the Cold War: a Bulgarian dissident writer, Georgi Markov, dying in a London hospital of a mysterious fever after being injected with a poison pellet from a specially adapted umbrella as he walked to work across Waterloo Bridge.
War der Regenschirmmord gar keiner?
Von Frank Stier, Sofia
An einer Londoner Bushaltestelle soll dem bulgarischen Schriftsteller Georgi Markov vor 30 Jahren ein tödliches Gift mit einem Regenschirmstich verabreicht worden sein. Jetzt wollen bulgarische Kriminalisten die Ermittlungen einstellen - Scotland Yard dagegen nicht.
Mordauftrag aus Sofia
10. September 2008
Der Mord an dem bulgarischen Dissidenten Georgi Markow ist verjährt, doch die Ermittlungen laufen weiter
Dreißig Jahre hat man die Auflösung des Rätsels um den wohl spektakulärsten Journalistenmord aus der Zeit des Kalten Krieges erwartet. Erst in diesen Tagen enthüllte der bulgarische Journalist Hristo Hristow in einem brisanten Buch die Namen der Auftraggeber und des Mörders, nach langjährigem Kampf um den Zugang zu 97 höchst geheimen Akten, die auch nach dem Zusammenbruch der kommunistischen Diktatur unter Verschluss aufbewahrt wurden.
Die Akte «Regenschirm-Mord» wird geschlossen
10. Sep 20:25
Die Tat in London beflügelte die Phantasie vieler Thriller-Autoren. Nun wollen die bulgarischen Behörden die Ermittlungen beenden – was für Verwunderung sorgt, schließlich gibt es neue Spuren.
Mittwoch, 10. September 2008
Wirbel um "Regenschirm-Mord"
Sofia macht den Deckel zu
Einer der mysteriösesten Mordanschläge aus der Ära des Kalten Krieges sorgt nach 30 Jahren für neuen Wirbel. Bulgarien, das unlängst wegen mangelhafter Korruptionsermittlungen in die Kritik der EU geraten ist, will die Ermittlungen in dem als Regenschirm-Attentat bekanntgewordenen Mord an dem bulgarischen Dissidenten Georgi Markow ungeachtet von neuen Enthüllungen einstellen. Am Donnerstag läuft die nach bulgarischer Gesetzgebung geltende Verjährungsfrist ab. In Großbritannien will Scotland Yard die Suche dagegen fortführen.
'Umbrella Man' may elude justice for ever
« Previous « PreviousNext » Next »View GalleryThe assassin of Georgi Markov is still at large 30 years after the notorious London killing, says Stephen McGinty
TIME, all 30 years' worth of days, weeks and months, is running out. Murder, in Bulgaria, has a statute of limitations of three decades and on Thursday, 11 September, the last grains of sand will pass through the hour glass and the file on the "UmbreADVERTISEMENTlla Man" will be closed.
Secret files point to Markov’s killer
David Leppard
SCOTLAND YARD detectives investigating the unsolved murder of Georgi Markov, the dissident from Bulgaria killed with a poison-tipped umbrella in London 30 years ago, are preparing to examine secret files showing how the Bulgarian spy service spent £50,000 setting up the attack.
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Bulgarian investigative journalist Hristo Hristov outperforms a series of Bulgarian and British governments in unearthing the truth about the Bulgarian Umbrella Murder
Hristo Hristov is a quiet man with an aristocratic goatee who sits in an office, writes books and appears unharmful to anybody because he looks like an oldfashioned librarian. But in fact he is a very dangerous man. During the past decade he gained access to and meticulously studied hundreds of archive volumes belonging to the Communist-era State Security, or Darzhavna sigurnost. In them he has found some horrifying documents proving beyond any reasonable doubt what now NATO and EU Bulgaria got itself involved in when the Communist Party and the Warsaw Pact were in place.
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Murder mystery vexes ex-Soviet bloc
The death of Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov in 1978 raises questions about Europe's lingering ties to communism.
Sofia, Bulgaria - While Bulgarian émigré Georgi Markov walked over Waterloo Bridge in London on Sept. 7, 1978, a passerby bumped into the well-known critic of his native government. A stinging pain shot through Mr. Markov's calf, and four days later he was dead.
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