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Author`s books
About the authorBooksGeorgi Markov`s casePiccadilly fileThe archives of the SSSContacts
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The Double Life of Agent Piccadilly. The file of the only agent suspected of the murder of the writer, Georgi Markov and the key archive of the First Main Directorate of the SSS

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He was paid well...

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He underwent special training...

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He was presented with medals...

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He was sent to London...

Table of contents E-mail
1.    The last meeting with “Piccadilly”

2.    In the shadow of the Kremlin

3.    From the X-ray lab to the Writer’s Union

4.    The path to exile

5.    Code Name “Wanderer”
    Part 1: The “Italian” period
    Part 2: To London
    Part 3: At the BBC
    Part 4: “Wanderer” in the Sixth Directorate
    Part 5: Cooperation with “Deutsche Welle”

6.    Sentenced by proxy

7.    Ideological Contamination

8.    Shield and Sword
    Part 1: Shield and Sword
    Part 2: The plan for the assassination of Boris Arsov

9.    Shock tactics
    Part 1: Soviet Style Intelligence
    Part 2: Sharp Operations
    Part 3: The Trojan Horse in Helsinki
    Part 4: The Heavy Artillery
    Part 5: “Wanderer” in the First Main Directorate

10.    Offensive against the dissidents
    Part 1: The New Fear
    Part 2: Treachery in Paris
    Part 3: The Final Taboo
    Part 4: Help from Moscow
    Part 5: Diplomatic Ultimatum

11.    Death in 1.5 millimeters

12.    After the 11th September

13.    The End of Zhivkov and the Purge in the Secret Archives

14.    The “Wanderer” files
    Part 1: The destruction of Georgi Markov’s files
    Part 2: BCP – BSP runs circles around Great Britain
    Part 3: The investigation of the hidden secret. The Suicide of General Stoyan Savov
    Part 4: The trial of General Vladimir Todorov

15.    On the Trail of “Piccadilly”

16.    Instead of an epilogue – the Battle for Access to Information